Sunday, February 25, 2007

Cameron is a Keeper!!

Cameron showing some skin. He has some big feet and lots of dark peach fuzz. He is soooo... cute!

Aunt Alaina and Cameron

Cameron David Miller!!! and proud but tired mommy. This was taken at noon on the 25th.

Isaacs mom Echo, Dylan and Sydney waiting patiently for Camerons arrival.

ROCK AND ROLL!!! Jeremy and Isaac are playing Guitar Hero 2, a video game Jeremy got, and Kyle is dancing.

It's been a while since Emma could play on her swingset. But it warmed up just enogh on this day to play outside a little bit.

"Come on Kyle, lets play!"

It's amazing the positions kids will fall asleep in.

Isaac and Kyle at Dylans basketball game.

Emma, Gillian, and Chloe the Giraffe. What a Goofball!

Kyle the couch potato.

Emma won't mind if I take a bite of her princess pillow, but let's not tell her, ok!